Sunday, February 13, 2011


Ok. So, remember my last blog post (you know, the one in ... June?) Yeah, I barely remember it either. Well, I had every intention of making blogging a regular thing and obviously I failed miserably at that. BUT, I'm going to try again. A real, honest effort. Here we go!

A lot has changed since my last post. To start, I got a full-time job! SCORE. In early January, I became the Guest Services and Volunteer Coordinator (I have business cards...wierd) at the Children's Museum of Richmond. Basically, I recruit, interview and train volunteers and also work with the Guest Services Department to develop new and fun programs and activities for the volunteers and Guest Services Associates to present to members and guests. It's fun!
I also started grad school at the University of Richmond. I started the Teacher Licensure Program in January and am working to get my license in May of 2012 and then finish my Master's after that. I love all of my classes, which is not something I could say as an undergrad. My schedule is definitely hectic and juggling work and night classes is a challenge, but I know when I'm finished and have my own class it'll all be worth it.
In September, I took the trip of a lifetime with my parents - 5 days in New York City! It was so much fun - amazing food, sights, and memories. If I had year I would detial every minute of the trip for you. Although I loved NYC, I can safely say that I would not want to live there - too overwhelming ALL the time. But I would definitely go back for more exploring/relaxing!

In addition to all that, I started singing again and it feels SO GOOD. First I joined the Contemporary Women's Ensemble at my church and then I recently joined the Praise and Worship Team, also at my church. I've met amazing people doing both and it's so nice to be able to make beautiful music with people again.

I wish I could also say that I've been really good about working about multiple times a week and eating really healthy food all the time but let's be real - I haven't, so why kid around? I need to do better on both counts, though I would say the exercise is more of an issue right now. I just have absolutely ZERO motivation. Zero. I need to get my butt in gear and get back to Body Pump! I also need to stop drinking so much soda...I need to convince the Diet Cokes to stop calling my name. Here are some of my more memorable eats:

Broccoli-Ham Ring. Delicious.

Ah-MAZING burgers, fries, and milkshakes at the Shake Shack in NYC.

The most wonderful, warm, delicious, apple cider doughnut I have ever tasted. Brett and I went to Carter Mountain Orchard in November and this was a must-try - they smelled too good to resist!

Wow, another long post, but I suppose that's acceptable since it was really my second "first" post. Tomorrow, Brett is taking me out to lunch for Valentine's Day. We're going to a relatively new restaurant in Richmond - Bellytimber Tavern. I've heard good things so hopefully it will live up to its repuatation! At least I know the company will be fun. See you in a couple of days!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Is This Real Life?

First of all, to my readers (there are probably only two of you, but hey, I'll take what I can get) - apologies for taking so so long to get this blog moving. I've been talking about doing it for quite a while, and it is WIERD to finally be sitting here typing my first post.

Summer is already rolling, and it crept up on me more quickly than I expected it to. I am immersed in coaching swim team, teaching private lessons, and today was my first day back as an Educator un summer camp at the Children's Museum of Richmond. All of those things are fun and I love every minute of doing them (well...maybe not EVERY minute...ha) but I miss college and living in Williamsburg everyday. Mostly, I miss some of the best friends I could ever ask for. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being at home and spending time with my family and my boyfriend, but I wish more than anything that I could spend more time with the Fearsome Foursome and other WM friends. Luckily, I have gotten to spend time with them since moving home, but MORE is always better when it comes to them. :-)
Hopefully this won't be totally boring, but here is a quick recap of my time at home so far:

After returning to the great city of Richmond, VA, I spent a lot of quality time with the boyf and my parents:

While I made Brett angry by beating him at board games, my mom made PIE (is that not the most beautiful pie you have EVER SEEN IN YOUR LIFE??):
Also got to go the Greek Festival with my favorite ladies ever. What a great night...awesome Greek food, awesome Greek dancing, and awesome company:Aren't my friends beautiful?

Spanakopita (spankpita??), Greek green beans, dolmades, moussaka, and and unphotographed almond cookie (the BEST ever) for dessert!

Aside from these adventures, I've had the pleasure of traveling to Williamsburg once (which I hope to do MANY more times this summer to see my girl, Paige:), gone on a couple of rockin' lunch dates with Katie B, and have just in general been having a grand ol' time.

To finish up this obnoxiously long post - the purpose of this blog is multi-fold (if that's a word):

1. To keep up/keep in touch with my friends from school

2. To chronicle my experiences as a recent college graduate, from finding a job, to living at home with my parents again, to exploring the beautiful city that I live in

3. To document my ups and downs and everything in between in my quest to live a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating healthy foods, finding new and fun ways to get my exercise on, and just generally striving to be a happy, peaceful person.

Hope you enjoyed :-) Signing out!